If you can do something in, say, 39 minutes, what’s your excuse to take 60 minutes?
- Mike is doing a simple task in PowerPoint – Changing the size of a bunch of pictures to the size of another picture, to make them all uniform in size.
- Earlier, to accomplish this, Mike would open the property pane of the reference picture, check out its size (and somehow remember the exact height and width) and then select all other pictures, type in the height and width taken from the reference one, and then close the properties pane! And then he would be done!
Today, with Jiffy, Mike just selects the pictures starting with the reference picture and then just One Click! He is Done!

- Mike, needs to do another task, a slightly complicated one! He has 25 content slides, created and collated using various sources (which typically is the case) and as a result, there are various text font styles in his presentation and for obvious reasons, he wants one uniform text font across all 25 slides! And of course, his Client is already waiting. And so, Mike wants to be done with the presentation fast and send it off to the waiting Client! A long task on hand and frustrating enough just to think of doing this?
- In the earlier days, Mike would painstakingly go through all the 25 slides, one by one, and in each slide, identify the text boxes that have a font different from the one he wants, select those text boxes, and change to the uniform font style… Doing it across all the 25 slides seemed like an eternity?
Today, with Jiffy, Mike just needs less than 5 seconds to achieve this task, whether it is 25 slides or 50 or more! Sounds unbelievable? You can check it out for yourself…
JiffySlider brings you more than 30 accelerator functions that help you in reducing the PowerPoint creation times by a significant amount.
The functions are carefully crafted by identifying the “time-wasters” that typically cause the non-content time to blow up and cause productivity issues. The accelerators, while allowing users to finish the editing related, arrangement and presentation related works faster, will let users’ time be well used for the content rather than the mundane look and feel and placement related jobs.
This not only up’s the productivity, but also lends a much smoother effort while creating presentations and also serves to better the quality of presentations too, quite naturally!