Michelin Users and Dealers – How to register and activate
Pre-requisites for Activation:
- You should have already installed the Michelin versions of X-TrackAmaze 03 or X-TrackAmaze 07
Activation Procedure:
Steps for activation of X-TrackAmaze 03 (ver 2.13.30) and X-TrackAmaze 07 (ver 2.14.70)
- Open X-TrackAmaze 03 (or X-TrackAmaze 07). Ensure that Macros are Enabled. (if macros are not enabled, the activation details will not be proper)
- Go to “About_XTA” (Sobre X-TrackAmaze) worksheet
- In the “Informaciòn y Activacòn del Producto” table, fill up Email ID that you have given to Michelin team.
- Click on “Solicidud de Còdigo de Activaciòn” button. This opens a new email composed through your email client, with the prefilled details of Product Version, Computer Code, Transaction ID and your email ID. (In case you haven’t entered the Email ID in the “About_XTA” sheet, you need to enter that in the email.
- The email would be composed to send the information to our support channel. Verify the details and send the email.
(See note below in case you do not have a email client configured)
- You would receive the activation code within 1 or 2 business days.
- For the sake of reference, after you receive the code, enter the activation code in the space provided in “About_XTA” sheet.
- On receipt of this key, you can activate the Product by entering the activation key when prompted by the Product while opening .
- In case the activation reminder has not yet popped up while opening the Product, click on the X-TrackAmaze03 (or X-TrackAmaze07) menu, you will see a Registrarse button. On click of Registrarse, a window pops up. Enter the Activation code that you have received from us in the “Activation Code” field. Press OK and proceed.
Note 1: In case email client is not configured, you need to manually compose the email with the above details and send it to support -at- excelsquare -dot- com. The simplest way would be to enter the email ID in the “Identificaciòn Email” field and copy the entire content of the “Informaciòn y Activacòn del Producto” table in “About_XTA” sheet, and paste it into the email, before sending the same. Kindly ensure that you put the subject line “Activación Requerida: X-TrackAmaze 03” (or 07 as the case may be)